Tying it All Together
WOW. I can't believe that my 7th course in the Educational Technology Leadership program is almost finished. When we started this course, I thought "This sounds like we are taking the same class over again." I was bummed but also wondering what I was missing. What I didn't realize then was that I would grow so much over the 5-week intensive course. Each week, I learned more and grew more in my understanding of the portfolio and the power it can truly hold.
Dani Fry, a classmate and member of my cohort, said something in our initial group meeting that I have not forgotten. She said that she has been using her ePortfolio for several years and that each time she has used it for an interview, she has gotten the job. She said that several of the people on her hiring committees have told her that her ePortfolio is what set her apart. This was powerful for me to learn from her.
As I move forward through this program and in my career, I want to leverage my ePortfolio and my blog as a way to connect with others that I don't always have a chance to connect with. I am active on Twitter through my personal account and my department account and I want to find ways to promote innovative ideas and risk-taking strategies that help people grow in their capacity.
Additionally, I want to use my ePortfolio to show others the value added to your resume when you utilize a dynamic tool such as this. Further, I want to challenge our teachers to give students opportunities to save their best work and begin building their own ePortfolios from a young age. I have noticed that Schoology has a portfolio option, and I am eager to learn more about that.
Of course, I hope to eventually "move up" in terms of my career, but for now, I love what I get to do and I want to do my absolute best in my job. I plan to continue building my ePortfolio over time and continue to add to it on a regular basis so that when the time comes, and I am ready to apply for a new or more desirable position.
As I grow in my capacity and in my role, I know that new ideas will populate. I will learn new skills and create new things that will further expand my portfolio and help me showcase my own work. I hope that I will continue to be challenged through this program to do these things, as well.
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