Week 4 Reflection - Applying Educational Technology
As I reviewed the ePortfolios of prior DLL students, I couldn't help but feel less confident in my own. I have stuck to Google Sites because that is what I am comfortable with and what I know best. I felt that by sticking with what I know best I would be able to better highlight my achievements and projects. Now, I am not so sure. The one thing that was evident in every ePortfolio I previewed was that the students that created them OWNED THEM. This stuck with me after last week's discussion. Through these ePortfolios, I am able to tell who these students/individuals are, what is most important to them, and what their professional strengths are. I know that one thing I need to improve is my blog. I have struggled with this component, but I think this may be a very effective way to leverage my ePortfolio.
I did notice in some of these ePortfolios, though, that a blog component was missing. This also makes me wonder if I will truly utilize the blog once I am finished with my coursework. For example, Roselynn Verwood's ePortfolio was impressive and she lacks a blog. Her portfolio does a great job of highlighting her strengths and organizing her many achievements and projects. I think I still have some work to do to tap into that in my ePortfolio. I want my site to be true reflection of my "digital evidence of meaningful connections" (Harapnuik, 2018).
I am eager to get some feedback and make improvements to my portfolio in the coming week. It is exciting finding new ways to showcase myself while also learning about how to improve!
One of my classmates, Alyssa, reminded me this week that the portfolio is like a fingerprint and each one shoudl be unique. Keeping this in mind, I am planning to make small improvements to my current portfolio, while ensuring it still speaks to who I am and what I am passionate about.
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