Final Week EDLD 5318 Reflection
INTRODUCTION I currently serve at the Blended Learning Specialist at Uvalde CISD. In this role, I provide support for the blended learning intiative at my district through professional development, coaching, job-embedded support, and program management. The course I have designed is called Blended Learning 101 and it will serve as an introduction for teachers new to the district on the Uvalde CISD Blended Learning model. Instructional Design Theories I believe that every instructional design theory could lend itself to the development of online learning environments given the right context, audience, and purpose. For Blended Learning 101, I used the constructivist theory to drive the design of my online learning environment. Blended learning is complex and involves many moving parts, so I felt that this set up was ideal in helping the learners/teachers connect the moving parts in the ways most relevant to them. For this reason, I included project-based applications for stu...