Online Course Design EDLD 5318 - Week 3 Reflection

I have decided to "chunk" my course content into modules, based on the levels of understanding the learners need to build upon to reach mastery. For example, the foundation of blended learning truly is data-driven instruction, but in order for a teacher to understand our DDI cycle, they have to first understand our learning framework so they understand how to build the DDI cycle into their lesson planning. So, the teacher would need blended learning basics, then the learning framework, then DDI, and THEN, finally, they should have the capacity and knowledge to understand true blended/personalized learning as we have envisioned it for our district. 

Each module will begin the same way, following our learning framework, with a thought-provoking discussion tied to a short video or quote to "Captivate" the learners, then it will move into "Discover" where the student gets the opportunity to learn more about the topic asynchronously through a series of videos and articles and conclude with a formative assessment. Next, for the "Personalize" stage, the learner will apply what they have learned to a formative assessment and activities including a project-based application. And, finally, the learner will reflect through either a discussion board or Flipgrid activity. 

My course will be fully online for a few reasons, but the main reasons are because I want to be able to model what quality asynchronous instruction can look like AND because I am just one person. The ability to produce online courses gives me the ability to spread myself a little better throughout our district and reach more teachers. I am truly excited about the knowledge I am gaining through this course and I am already directly applying it to my current position. Thankfully, our teachers are in the transitional process to Schoology, so they will also benefit from the student experience of participating in the class and, it is my hope to help them understand the value in strategic online course design, too. 

I think the value in the MOOC for the learner, especially in the educational setting, is that it gives them the ability to work at their own pace and apply what they learn in a "safe" way. What I mean is that teachers tend to decide within the first few mins of other professional development opportunities whether they will "jump on board" or not. This idea of the MOOC gives them the ability to decide at their own pace and in their own way what it most applicable and relevant to their jobs. Additionally, as I mentioned before, I think the MOOC is great for the teacher as it gives them the ability to reach more students when they are "spread too thin." I also believe the MOOC gives the teacher the ability to focus more on feedback rather than delivery, which ultimately is more meaningful for the learner. 

Here is a link to my district's learning framework for reference:
