Tying it All Together
WOW. I can't believe that my 7th course in the Educational Technology Leadership program is almost finished. When we started this course, I thought "This sounds like we are taking the same class over again." I was bummed but also wondering what I was missing. What I didn't realize then was that I would grow so much over the 5-week intensive course. Each week, I learned more and grew more in my understanding of the portfolio and the power it can truly hold. Dani Fry, a classmate and member of my cohort, said something in our initial group meeting that I have not forgotten. She said that she has been using her ePortfolio for several years and that each time she has used it for an interview, she has gotten the job. She said that several of the people on her hiring committees have told her that her ePortfolio is what set her apart. This was powerful for me to learn from her. As I move forward through this program and in my career, I want to leverage my ePortfolio and my...